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Providing Solutions for
Indigenous Landscape Restoration
Awatea helps and encourages fellow farmers to restore indigenous landscapes that can be used in agriculture. In the longer term, indigenous landscape restoration will transform the way landscapes are perceived, utilized, and valued. These can harvest healthy and organic fruits and vegetables.
Landscape restoration is defined as a planned process that aims to regain ecological integrity and enhance human well-being in deforested or degraded indigenous landscapes.
Ecological integrity is defined both in terms of life processes and indigenous content. It is important to restore the indigenous landscape to rebuild successful complete ecosystems. Restoration aims to improve water quality and stabilize healthier soil that soon in turn healthier vegetation.
Virtual Consultation
Imparting our knowledge about indigenous landscape restoration and how to improve farming skills Personal requests are subject to approval. Kindly inform us if you have other topics or concerns in mind.
In Farm Mentorship & Activities
Sightseeing and walking around the farm so you’ll understand better the how & why we do things the way they are. More importantly to make you truly feel and understand the benefits of Indigenous family farming. Outdoor activities like planting a seed, transplanting, and cultivating.
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