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Providing Solutions for
food sovereignty
Seed Saving & Sovereignty
“Seed freedom” - the freedom of indigenous peoples to grow and we want to encourage people to start taking practical steps to improve your own self-sufficiency before you really need it.
Seed is saved from harvest to harvest. After observing the pollination patterns and reproductive characteristics of the plant. Some remaining in the ground if possible as a back up storage, while rua are ideal. Maximum germination, seedling vigor, and longest storage life is achieved when fully ripened, current season, pest-free seed is harvested. Environmental conditions, lack of pollinators, and parasitism all can affect the quality of the seeds collected.
Feed ourserlves & free ourselves
hua parakore
We were very fortunate to be with Uncle Te Iwi Puihi (Percy) Tipene during the time that the Hua Parakore, indigenous food sovereignty initiative and hallmark of excellence for food and product production was developed.
It remains one of the only indigenous standards for food production which we highly recommend growers to consider signing up to.